I like that TV show Modern Family

because it shows just how non-normal most families are. And, depending on how non-non-normal your family is/was, it might have been bad for growing up, but it’s still great for comedy. In my last blog I talked about questions you can ask to find the funny when networking, and one of these questions is asking about family members. . .no, not “do you have a crazy relative” (the conversation may lead to that though), but rather are you related to anyone famous?

SOMEONE has to be related to Charles Manson. . .

wouldn’t it be cool to find out it’s the person you’re talking with. And the best part is, you’ll remember that person! A woman in my recent program was related to Ma Kettle – a comedian from the dark ages I believe. That would be an interesting tidbit to bring up if she were trying to have some fun and/or be remembered. Sure when you’re networking, you want to find out things you both have a connection with, but try to include some fun things that will get you laughing AND make the conversation memorable.

And be ready with your information.

What famous relatives are hiding in your family tree? A woman I just met said her best friend’s dad did hundreds of cartoon voices in the 60’s, and as they were going through Disneyland, in the Haunted House, they actually heard his voice – recorded back in the 60’s – before he passed away (obviously), so that’s really a neat story. Not to mention that she gets to hear his voice whenever she goes to Disney

I may not remember

what school my friend Diane attended, BUT I do remember that she might be the great granddaughter of Ulysses S. Grant. So dig back into that family tree, and find some roots that are unusual. . it’ll be great entertainment! Jan www.TheWorkLady.com www.ComedyEmcee.com www.HealthComedian.com