Can you spend 6.5 million in 30 seconds???? Well the Super Bowl advertisers did! That’s what an ad costs in 2022.

And according to a USA Today Survey,

the top ad was Rocket Mortgage’s ad starring Barbie. A link to the ad is below.

I’ve also noted below the three things that they used to make the ad a hit. People get intimidated by using humor because they think they have to start from scratch . . .but you probably already have things that you can make fun of. So do it!

Here’s the ad:

Humor in Business IS a Billion dollar business.

Below are 3 of the things they used to make this ad a funny hit. It’s not rocket science and it doesn’t have to cost a lot. Humor is all around us if we just start looking for it.

How can you use these ideas to add humor to your message WITHOUT spending millions?

1. Acknowledgement. Their ad totally empathizes with what people are going through now when trying to buy a house. Multiple offers and words like “all cash” and “good bones” were used because that’s what people are probably hearing a lot. What are your clients going through that you can acknowledge with a little humor?

2. Familiarity. Even if you never had a Barbie, you know about Barbie. So of course we’re interested in seeing what happens when Barbie goes to buy a house. What do you have in your industry that people are familiar with and would like to follow?

3. Cuteness. They had cute kids dressed up as adults. The old saying in comedy is never follow kids or animals. That’s because you will not win! So use it to your advantage in your marketing. What thing can you use in your marketing that makes people go Awwwww.

I’ve been preaching forever about using humor in business because it works. Companies know that HUMOR SELLS whether you’re trying to sell a house, a car, crypto, your services, yourself, or whatever it is, HUMOR SELLS. Use it in business and you will see some positive rewards!!


Check out my other blog articles including this one on Resilience – click here.