Marketing Tips from The Super Bowl Ads

Spending 7 million dollars for a 30-second ad – you’ll probably never have to do that, BUT Super Bowl advertisers did. Most of the ads were funny because humor sells, so learn from what they did and see if you can apply it to your business. Here’s my Marketing Tips...

The Super Bowl and Your 7 Million Dollar Education

I say “Super Bowl” you say . . . “Commercials!” That’s right, people who love and hate football associate commercials with the big game because THE COMMERCIALS ARE FUNNY. In 2023, the cost of a 30-Second Ad Spot was around $7 million and the ads were mentioned over...

How Oprah ALMOST Helped Me

I was moments away from being on Oprah! Okay, 2 days away. but I was darn close to getting my BIG break. I was scheduled for the segment. I had the plane tickets. I was ready. And then  . . .  something completely beyond my control happened. I’ve been...

400 Square Feet to Success

400 Square Feet – it helped me tremendously in my comedy career. For anyone looking to make the jump into comedy writing full-time, or really anything other than what you’re doing, this article is for you! If you want more of my articles like this, I...

My Face in Lights on the Vegas Strip!

Getting my name in lights on the Las Vegas strip was a bumpy road, and it really wasn’t what I was aiming for. But it happened many moons ago and it’s a great story. And it all has to do with my comedy writing! Here’s what happened. . ....

Five Things I Learned From Forensic Files

Comedy from a TV show? You betcha! I watch a variety of murder shows from Forensic Files to Who the Bleep Did I Marry and beyond, and I’ve learned more than how to get away with murder. I’ve put together a list of 5 things that you can learn and apply to...

Bombing Onstage: An Important Lesson

I’ve had a few weeks in my early comedy career that REALLY stand out . . . for the beating I took onstage. Not a physical beating, but mentally they were knockouts. One memorable week of being pummeled started out great. I had a killer set on the first show of the...