Humor & Resilience to Overcome Setbacks Podcast

Have you ever been at a serious, or worse a sad event, and felt the urge to laugh? I think that’s our brain trying to find a way to cope. Laughter and reducing stress have been linked before, but all I know is that laughing works. Using humor to bounce back from...

Humor Article “Making Crap Up”

A LOT of people ask me how to get started in the comedy and keynote speaking business. I always take time to share my path with them. BUT I also always preface my tips with “I’ll tell you, but you’re probably not going to do it.” I don’t say that to be mean, I say it...

Silly Jokes and Why They Work

Silly jokes work. We love them. Admit it. You will read a silly joke. A few comedians, such as Jackie the Joke Man, have made their living off silly jokes. Silly jokes may not make you famous . . . but they’ll grab your attention – sorta like reality TV....

4 Questions Comedians Get Asked A LOT

Questions comedian get asked all the time make it easy for us to LOOK like we’re joking off the cuff, when we’re really just answering your question that we’ve been asked 10000 times in the past. The last post I made, (click here) I mentioned...

5 Things Not to Say to a Comedian

People think they can say ANYTHING to a comedian and why not? They’re a comedian, they can take a joke. Right? Well, sure, but there are still things that you should NOT say to a comedian. Why? Because number one, these things are rude and number two we hear...

Comedy Gold: The questions are you asked

Questions that you are asked a lot are a quick way to find humor. You can also reverse it by saying what questions should you not ask or why do people always ask me these questions. Here’s a quick list I came up with of questions things you shouldn’t say...